From the Rising of the Sun to its setting. To watch a sunset is to connect with the Divine – GinaDe Gorna 4. If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God. When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator. These are sunset quotes that will make you believe that there’s someone up there who made something wonderful. Here are some Sunset Quotes that will give you emotions and inspiration: Here are other inspirational sunset quotes:.Here are inspirational sunset quotes that are at the top of my favorites list:.What color is the sunset? Read this sunset quotes to know its color and what people think about it.Not feeling well, you want to know what you need? A sunset! Here are sunset quotes that will push you too see it!.Here are sunset quotes that will help us appreciate life and the wonder of nature:.Sunset shows that life is too beautiful to hold on to the past so move on to the present. Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn. Sunsets give us hope for a new beginning, these are sunset quotes that will help you up when you are down.He blankets each new day with the invitation, ‘I am here.’ – Louie Giglio Sunsets are so beautiful that they almost seem as if we were looking through the gates of Heaven. You want proof there’s a God? Look outside, watch a sunset. But I also believe, when I hike the Grand Canyon and see it at sunset, that the hand of God is there also. When I see a beautiful sunset, I worship the God of Nature when I see a hidden action brought to light, I worship the God of Truth when I see a bad man punished and a good man go free, I worship the God of Justice when I see a penitent forgiven, I worship the god of Mercy. Therefore, the great secret of life is to live intensely the present, offered to each of us freely by God, creator of Heaven and Earth and everything that is, was and is to come. They make you realize that each day is truly unique. In silence, the three of them looked at the sunset and thought about God. If you are in a beautiful place where you can enjoy sunrise and sunset, then you are living like a lord. At the end of the world, the sunset is like a child smashing a pack of crayon into God’s face – Craig Stone The name of the Lord is to be praised.’ – Psalm 113:3 To watch a sunset is to connect with the Divine – GinaDe Gorna Here are some Sunset Quotes that will give you emotions and inspiration:.There are topics praising the beauty of the sunset, there are ones that give us hope, some equate it to sadness or to a journey about love. Those who write books or poems, write lyrics for a song, or those with just simple thoughts. It is a common muse for artists be it those who paint pictures, or those who take photos. Sunsets give us inspiration or realizations in life. It’s like life, the past may be better than the present, but we don’t know what the future beholds. It will make you realize that every day is indeed not the same yesterday might be prettier than today but we won’t know what is for tomorrow. And every time I see sunsets, even from the same spot, they are unique the colors and shades are different and the clouds are in different positions. Because sunsets are beautiful, the sky and the world is painted gorgeously. Why do we love sunset quotes? If I were to choose one time of the day to get out of the house it would be on sunsets during the time that the day is about to end and the night is about to come.