En concreto, el Reconocimiento Automático de Habla (RAH) comienza a ser utilizado como parte de las herramientas de interpretación asistida, bien como componente de tales sistemas o como aplicación autónoma. Aunque el ámbito de la interpretación no se ha beneficiado de los desarrollos tecnológicos en la misma medida que en traducción, actualmente asistimos al surgimiento de gran interés por desarrollar soluciones adaptadas a las necesidades de los intérpretes.

To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to explore the possibility of Speech-to-Text (S2T) technology for meeting the preparatory needs of interpreters as regards terminology and back-ground/domain knowledge. This study pursues three main aims: (i) to establish the most suitable ASR application for building ad hoc corpora by comparing several ASR tools and assessing their performance (ii) to use ASR in order to extract terminology from the transcriptions obtained from video-recorded speeches, in this case talks on climate change and adaptation and (iii) to promote the adoption of ASR as a new documentation tool among interpreters. In particular, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is being used as a central component of Computer-Assisted Interpreting (CAI) tools, either bundled or standalone. Although interpreting has not yet benefited from technology as much as its sister field, translation, interest in developing tailor-made solutions for interpreters has risen sharply in recent years.